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35-year-old man arrested for rape #ActAgainstAbuse EASTERN CAPE – Centane Po…

35-year-old man arrested for rape #ActAgainstAbuse EASTERN CAPE – Centane Police arrested a 35-year-old man for the alleged rape of…

By , in saps , at 7th Oct 2019

35-year-old man arrested for rape

EASTERN CAPE – Centane Police arrested a 35-year-old man for the alleged rape of a 16-year-old girl. It is alleged that the suspect bought meat and liquor on Friday, 04 October 2019 at Maxhama Locality, Feni Village, Centane. Both the suspect and the victim ate the meat and drank liquor.

Later the suspect is alleged to have dragged the victim to his bed where the alleged rape took place. The victim managed to escape on Saturday, 05 October 2019 while the suspect was fast asleep.

The suspect was traced and arrested on Saturday, 05 October 2019. He will appear before the Centane Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 07 October 2019 on a rape charge.

35-year-old man arrested for rape 
 EASTERN CAPE – Centane Po… 71885806 3161353710558216 4136128436047446016 n


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