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Multidisciplinary operation yield good successes in Woodstock Western Cape: Yes…

Multidisciplinary operation yield good successes in Woodstock Western Cape: Yesterday morning at approximately 07:15, Woodstock police in conjunction with other…

By , in saps , at 7th Dec 2018

Multidisciplinary operation yield good successes in Woodstock

Western Cape: Yesterday morning at approximately 07:15, Woodstock police in conjunction with other law enforcement agencies executed an operation at Mascani in Railway Road, Woodstock and arrested a total of 41 suspects for various offences.

The operation was executed following various complaints from the business owners and concerned community members, pertaining illegal and illicit activities that are taking place at the problematic site.

During the operation members searched two derelict buildings in Railway Road and arrested seven suspects and seized various cellular telephones, laptops, huge consignment of PRASA copper cables and stripped copper wires.

During a separate operation conducted by Woodstock SAPS Crime Prevention Unit in Wright and Pine Road, members arrested four suspects (two females and two males) for dealing and possession of drugs. In the first incident at Wright Street officers searched a premises and confiscated six plastic packets tik, weighing at 30 grams. The substance was concealed inside a purse in the bedroom. A 37-year-old female and a 38-year-old man were arrested.

Whilst following up information pertaining to drug trafficking in Pine Road, officers searched a premises and confiscated seven mandrax tablets and arrested a 42-year-old man and a 34-year-old women.

All the suspects are facing charges related to dealing and possession of drugs. Members also seized a substantial amount of cash that was found at the two premises.

The suspects currently in police custody will appear in the Cape Town’s Magistrates Court once charged.…

Multidisciplinary operation yield good successes in Woodstock
 Western Cape: Yes… 47493488 2613797131980546 4912819107696476160 o
Multidisciplinary operation yield good successes in Woodstock
 Western Cape: Yes… 47689450 2613797121980547 6289884669034889216 o
Multidisciplinary operation yield good successes in Woodstock
 Western Cape: Yes… 47094268 2613797118647214 545763250944344064 o


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