CASE UPDATE: A further case of fraud was opened yesterday against previously co…
CASE UPDATE: A further case of fraud was opened yesterday against previously convicted fraudster, Lodewyk Christiaan Joubert (known as “Lowe”)….
A further case of fraud was opened yesterday against previously convicted fraudster, Lodewyk Christiaan Joubert (known as “Lowe”).
New reference:
Norkempark SAPS CAS 141/8/2020
There are currently two other cases opened relating to other victims in what is alleged to be a Ponzi scheme involving investments in diesel consignments.
Existing case references:
Norkempark SAPS CAS 282/2/2020
Modimolle SAPS CAS 54/2/2020
Please contact Chad Thomas from IRS with any information via the standby WhatsApp number 079 444 2 666 or