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Lung cancer can be very elusive because it is not always easy to detect. It sh…

Lung cancer can be very elusive because it is not always easy to detect. It shares symptoms with other conditions…

By , in netcare , at 3rd November 2021

Lung cancer can be very elusive because it is not always easy to detect. It shares symptoms with other conditions that are common and mild. Therefore, it is advised to consult with a qualified health professional and not self–diagnose, nor become distressed because one or more of the symptoms are present.

May be an image of 1 person, beard and text  Lung cancer can be very elusive because it is not always easy to detect. It sh… 251181913 4636277253060041 6172418132289205254 nMay be an image of 1 person, beard and text that says "ON THE LOOKOUT FOR LUNG CANCER Lung cancer not easy detect and shares symptoms with other conditions that are common and mild. It's best to consult with health professional should you have any concerns. Lung cancer may not present any symptoms during the early stages, but early signs have been identified. According to the UK's National Health Services (NHS), the main symptoms include: cough that doesn't go away after two or three weeks ම long-standing cough that gets worse chest infections hat keep coming back coughing blood - ache pain when breathing qualified coughing"  Lung cancer can be very elusive because it is not always easy to detect. It sh… 251990952 4636278576393242 8242082075403946293 n


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