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INSECT STINGS AND BITES In most instance's insect bites cause a local reac…

INSECT STINGS AND BITES In most instance’s insect bites cause a local reaction (redness and swelling) but in some instance…

By , in netcare , at 1st August 2022


In most instance's insect bites cause a local reaction (redness and swelling) but in some instance the child may have an allergic reaction and in cases of severe allergy an anaphylactic reaction.

Wasps and bees
If a wasp or bee stings your child, don’t try to remove the sting with your fingers, as this will force more poison into the flesh.
Use a blunt, flat object like a plastic ruler, credit card or butter knife to scrape over the area. Use a motion that is flush with the skin.
To remove a tick, cover it with petroleum jelly. Using tweezers, hold it as close to your child’s skin as possible and pull it straight out with steady pressure. Apply disinfectant.
Watch for symptoms of tick bite fever such as headaches, nausea and flu-like symptoms.
Put bath oil in your child’s bath for the next couple of nights in case you have missed any other ticks.
Look between the toes and in the hair for any other ticks.
Spiders and scorpions
Spiders can give quite nasty, painful bites. Scorpions can cause painful stings, too. However, relatively few spiders and scorpions are dangerous.
If a thick-tailed scorpion stings your child, seek immediate medical attention.
A child who has swallowed a poisonous substance needs immediate medical attention.

Signs and symptoms
Burns or redness around the mouth.
Empty or half empty bottles or containers lying nearby.
Plant or berry pieces in his mouth.
Drowsiness or unconsciousness.
Common poisons
Oven, drain and toilet cleaner.
Paint stripper
White spirits or methylated spirits
Rat or insect poison
Washing powder and disinfectant
Pills or medicines
Other poisons include common garden and house-plants such as oleander, foxglove, wisteria, elephant ear, azalea and Arum lily.

What to do in case of swallowed poisons
Assess what has been swallowed, when and how much. Call for medical assistance from a poison centre or your doctor to get immediate emergency advice. Remove any visible objects from the child’s mouth. Do not try to make the child vomit. If she swallowed something corrosive (like bleach), it will burn on the way back up and cause more damage. Keep the container of the product the child has swallowed with you, and tell the paramedics or doctor exactly what the child has taken. Do not give the child anything to drink, this may disperse the poison more quickly throughout her body.…/HelpingHandDe…/action/Detail…

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