Accused sentenced to 18 years direct imprisonment for fraud #sentencing KWAZ…
Accused sentenced to 18 years direct imprisonment for fraud #sentencing KWAZULU-NATAL – On Friday 5 November 2021, the Durban Specialised…
Accused sentenced to 18 years direct imprisonment for fraud
KWAZULU-NATAL – On Friday 5 November 2021, the Durban Specialised Commercial Crime Court sentenced Nadeem Arshad (39) to eighteen years
direct imprisonment for twenty seven counts of fraud and money laundering.In March 2016, Arshad deposited cheques of two businesses which were closed in 2015 into the ATM and immediately transferred cash into various bank accounts. The bank discovered that those R11 400 000-00 cheques were invalid.
A case of fraud was reported at Berea police station and the case docket was allocated to the Hawks members from Durban Serious Commercial Crime Investigation for intensive investigation. Ashard was arrested in September 2016 and he appeared in court several times until he was convicted and sentenced today. He was also ordered to pay back R4.1 million by the end of this month.