Acid throwing women gets 15 years Imprisonment for Murder KWAZULU-NATAL – On …
Acid throwing women gets 15 years Imprisonment for Murder KWAZULU-NATAL – On 11th March 2019, the accused Precious Ngidi, 28-year-old…
Acid throwing women gets 15 years Imprisonment for Murder
KWAZULU-NATAL – On 11th March 2019, the accused Precious Ngidi, 28-year-old went to the deceases, Noxolo Mkhwanazi aged 26-year-old, place of work in
Tongaat.She confronted the deceased about having an affair with her husband. They got into an argument and the accused removed a container from her bag, containing acid and threw it on the deceased.
In the process some of the acid spilled on the accused. A reaction officer immediately attended the scene and transported the accused to Tongaat police station, as the community members wanted to assault her at the time.
She was handed over to Detective Warrant Officer S. G. Naidoo who then… More