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Aliwal North Cluster Woman’s Network Cancer Awareness Day Ladies from the diffe…

Aliwal North Cluster Woman’s Network Cancer Awareness Day Ladies from the different stations in the cluster attended the Cancer Awareness…

By , in saps , at 30th Oct 2018

Aliwal North Cluster Woman’s Network Cancer Awareness Day
Ladies from the different stations in the cluster attended the Cancer Awareness Day. A powerful and emotional message was shared with the ladies by Cst Skomolo that is a cancer survivor with the theme "Listen and respond to your body". A guest speaker, Sister Sinxadi of the Department of Health also empowered the ladies with knowledge on issues surrounding cancer. A special pink candle op HOPE was lit by Col Baninzi.

Aliwal North Cluster Woman’s Network Cancer Awareness Day
 Ladies from the diffe… 44965588 2553828277977432 2881153122598649856 o
Aliwal North Cluster Woman’s Network Cancer Awareness Day
 Ladies from the diffe… 45030001 2553828411310752 3895435007035965440 o
Aliwal North Cluster Woman’s Network Cancer Awareness Day
 Ladies from the diffe… 45085101 2553828554644071 8479516879809937408 o
Aliwal North Cluster Woman’s Network Cancer Awareness Day
 Ladies from the diffe… 45116608 2553828764644050 8984110120443052032 o


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