#BreastIsBest Breastmilk provides babies with the best possible nutrition. The #…
#BreastIsBest Breastmilk provides babies with the best possible nutrition. The #WorldHealthOrganization encourages new mothers to breastfeed exclusively for the first…
#BreastIsBest Breastmilk provides babies with the best possible nutrition. The #WorldHealthOrganization encourages new mothers to breastfeed exclusively for the first six months following the birth of their babies. Breastfeeding holds numerous healthcare benefits for #MotherAndBaby Breastfeeding is a bonding process between a mother and a baby and helps with all aspects of a baby’s growth and development. #NetcareStAnnesHospital commemorated #BreastfeedingAwarenessWeek by educating moms on the benefits of breastfeeding.
Pictured at the maternity unit at Netcare St Anne’s Hospital were, from left to right: Sister Katherine Paine, facilitator at Netcare Stork’s mother and baby wellness clinic; one of the new mothers, Skye Claire Forsyth with her baby; and Nadia Sayed, registered nurse in the maternity unit.