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BURNS The skin is the body's largest organ. It insulates us, shields us fr…

BURNS The skin is the body’s largest organ. It insulates us, shields us from infection, and helps maintain the proper…

By , in netcare , at 31st August 2022


The skin is the body's largest organ. It insulates us, shields us from infection, and helps maintain the proper balance of water and temperature. These functions can be jeopardized when the skin is burned by fire, hot objects or fluids, electricity, chemicals, radiation or other sources. Burns in the very young, very old or those with other chronic, or ongoing, conditions can even be worse.

If you or another person is on fire:

Try not to panic
Drop and roll over in a blanket, rug or coat to smother the flames
Never run; this will fan the fire
Completely extinguish the fire and stop skin and clothes from smouldering by soaking with water from a hose, a pan or bucket of water. Never remove clothing
Cover the burn with a cool, damp, sterile bandage or a clean, non-fibrous cloth such as a sheet

There are three degrees of burns:

A first-degree burn involves only the tough, outer layer of skin. The skin turns bright red and becomes sensitive and painful. It may be dry, but does not blister
A second-degree burn is a deeper burn that is very painful, red and mottled. The area may blister, and/or be swollen and puffy
A third-degree burn penetrates deeper, muscle, internal organs and bones can be burned. The skin will look charred and dry, and may even crack. Pain may be severe. However, if nerves have been damaged, there may be no pain, except around the edges of the wound

For burns of any kind

Always ensure:

The victim is breathing. If they aren't, start CPR immediately
Ensure any bleeding is controlled
Ensure that there are no signs of shock such as altered consciousness, faintness, paleness, rapid and shallow breathing, rapid and weak pulse, cool and clammy skin
Examine if the mouth and nasal hairs are charred. Check for sooty residue on the face, shortness of breath, a cough or hoarseness. These signs indicate an emergency — the respiratory tract may be damaged


Use ice or ointments such as Vaseline, sprays, butter, creams or oils. They may slow healing and increase the risk of infection
Never cover a burn with materials such as blankets, towels or tissue; fibres may become stuck to the wound
In addition, never break blisters on burned skin

When treating first-degree burns:

Run cool water over the area or soak in a cool water bath for two to five minutes. If these are not options, apply cold compresses. (If the burn has occurred in a cold environment, do not apply water)
Cover the area with a cool, moist, clean bandage or clean cloth
Try painkillers, such as aspirin and Paracetamol; they may help reduce pain and swelling. NEVER give aspirin to children/teenagers. It can cause Reye's syndrome, a rare but often fatal condition. If you have a chronic illness, are pregnant, or routinely take prescribed or over-the-counter medications, talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking any new medications
Relieve the pain of sunburn with oatmeal baths or by adding baking soda to the bath water (half a cup into cool or lukewarm bath)
Lightly apply a broken aloe leaf to the burned area for a soothing effect

Second-degree burns these may be treated like first-degree burns if they are limited to an area less than 10 – 15cm. in diameter, and are not on the face, hands, feet, groin, genitals buttocks or a major joint. Otherwise, call your doctor immediately.

Third-degree burns need emergency care. While waiting for emergency personnel to arrive:

Ensure that the individual is breathing by looking to see if their chest is rising and falling, and feeling for breath against your cheek
If the person is not breathing, start CPR immediately

In addition, seek immediate care for any burns caused by a chemical source or an electrical source, or if a burn affects an eye.

Call your doctor immediately if an infection develops. Signs of infection include redness around the area or red streaks leading away, swelling, warmth or tenderness, pus, fever of 38.3°C or higher, or tender or swollen lymph nodes. Call your doctor if any burn causes pain for more than 48 hours. Serious burns can cause major scarring unless promptly disinfected and treated with skin grafts. Furthermore, psychological scars may result from severe burns, and counselling may be beneficial.

The following tips may help prevent burns:

For adults and children alike:

Conduct fire drills at home and work. Know the location of fire escapes when sleeping somewhere other than home
Install smoke detectors on every floor and test them periodically
Keep emergency numbers close to the telephone
Place a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and check the expiration date
Keep a large box of baking soda within easy reach of the stove
Never put lighter fluid on charcoal after it is lit
Learn how to deal with an overheated engine, car fire, or live wire on a car
Never touch a downed electrical wire

To help prevent burns to children:

Never leave a child home alone
Keep matches and chemicals out of reach
Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove while cooking
Never drink hot beverages with a child sitting on your lap
Never place hot beverages or liquids close to a table's edge
Avoid using mats or cloths that can easily be pulled off a table
Always ensure that panamas are flame-retardant
Cover electrical outlets when not in use

Turn water heater thermostats to between 48.9° C and 51.7° C; a child can be scalded in less than a second at a temperature of 71.1° C or higher.

Read about Netcare’s Dos and Don’ts of first aid for burns here:


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