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Cambridge Station Commander awarded Sterling Primary School pupil for exemplary …

Cambridge Station Commander awarded Sterling Primary School pupil for exemplary manners #SaferSchool Corbin Wright (11) a grade six pupil at…

By , in saps , at 19th Mar 2019

Cambridge Station Commander awarded Sterling Primary School pupil for exemplary manners #SaferSchool

Corbin Wright (11) a grade six pupil at Sterling Primary School in East London was given a special award by the Cambridge Station Commander, Brigadier Pumla Mdlankomo for displaying exemplary manners.
Corbin met the Station Commander and her team during the safer school visits around Cambridge policing precinct in January 2019.
He stood out amongst other learners as they were playing and offered to usher the Brigadier and her team to the headmaster's office. ''Dynamites come in small packages, how I so wish that frontline service in all our community service centres (CSC's) can be like this. Corbin, your positive attitude, good manners and willingness to assist others is noteworthy and reflects positively for Stirling Primary School and on you as a person. We salute you,'' she said.
The certificate was designed and awarded to Corbin Wright at the school in the presence of his parents and grandmother. They were so touched and proud of their son.

Cambridge Station Commander awarded Sterling Primary School pupil for exemplary … 54434630 2779057655454492 5849438671933014016 o
Cambridge Station Commander awarded Sterling Primary School pupil for exemplary … 54428698 2779057755454482 3787241164487262208 o
Cambridge Station Commander awarded Sterling Primary School pupil for exemplary … 54412548 2779057932121131 8219329113932955648 o


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