CASE UPDATE: Deon Maifala, which is the actual name of the person that appear…
CASE UPDATE: Deon Maifala, which is the actual name of the person that appears in the original post below, has…
Deon Maifala, which is the actual name of the person that appears in the original post below, has subsequently contacted IRS and requested that we remove the post. He has advised that he is not a
financial services provider and does not give investment or Forex advice nor does he take investments from members of the public or from companies.Deon Maifala has not responded to detailed questions sent to him by IRS despite being given an opportunity to exercise his right of reply over the past 14 days.
IRS has ascertained that Deon Maifala offered an investment scheme under the guise of receiving “loans” from investors that he referred to as “creditors”. These lenders would then receive a significant repayment on these “loans” within four months.
Deon Maifala, committed in writing to a return on investment (“loan”) of a whopping 1231%! In one instance, he committed to a return of R123 193.95 for an investment (“loan”) of R10 000.00. This is simply not possible.
Several other parties have come forward regarding their dealings with Deon Maifela.
A person known as “Deon” / “Deon Manabe”, who is known on social media as Deon_Hedgefund, Deon Capital and Deon_Conglomeration, and has a “company” known as Hedge Matador
Capital, is a person of interest in an alleged advance fee case.Case reference:
Norkempark SAPS CAS 265/10/2021.
IRS has reached out to the person of interest to allow him a right of reply but he has ignored our request.
The person of interest claims in voice notes circulated that his Forex trading program is so successful that multiple companies in Sandton owe him vast amounts of money as well as individuals that owe him money. He has gone as far as stating that even Julius Malema owes him money.
The person of interest has also written on social media that it took him seven years using a “code” to reach billionaire status.
If you have any information, please contact IRS via or during by telephone during office hours on 0861 911 IRS or after hours via WhatsApp 0794442666.