Suspended Services 1. The following services on the Online Booking System has been suspended by the RTMC: a. Application for…
Suspended Services
1. The following services on the Online Booking System has been suspended by the RTMC:
a. Application for a Learner’s Licence Test
b. Application for a Driving Licence Test
c. Booking for the Renewal of a Driving Licence Card and
d. An application for a PRDP
2. Please note that all services at Driving Licence Testing centres have been suspended as result of the announcement made by the President on 23 March 2020, which placed South Africa under lockdown.
3. All Bookings made for 27 March 2020 to 16 April 2020, will unfortunately expire and all applicants for these dates must re-book, once the Online Booking System comes back online
RTMC Frequently Asked Questions #Covid-19
Q: Are Traffic Training Colleges’ still open and recruiting?
A: All Traffic Training Colleges have been closed during this period and recruitment is on hold.
Q: Are Traffic Officers allowed to continue using breathalysers tests?
A: The evidentiary breathalyser tests can still be used with disposable mouthpieces. However suspected drunk drivers can still be taken for blood tests.
Q: Will Traffic Officers continue to ask motorist to produce their driving licences when stopped on the road?
A: Yes. Traffic officers will continue to enforce the law and have been issued with hand gloves and sanitisers to facilitate their work.
Q: Will the Driving Licence Testing Centres remain open during the lockdown?
A: Driving Licence Testing Centres will be closed, and bookings will be rescheduled.
Q: Will motorists be prosecuted for expired vehicle discs, drivers’ licences and public drivers permits (PDP) that expire with the 21 days lockdown period?
A: Motorists will be reprieved for vehicle discs and expired licences until the lockdown is lifted.
Q: Are essential worker motorist going to be charged if found travelling with a license disk that expired during the lockdown period?
A: Motorists have a 21 days grace period and can renew after the lockdown.