Thursday, January 30, 2025
24 Hour News

Day 2: Trucking wellness campaign and Taxi Lekgotla continues….

Trucking wellness campaign focuses on vehicle roadworthiness, driver education, and health Taxi Lekgotla was convened by the minister of transport…

By , in RMTC Road Traffic , at 30th October 2020

Trucking wellness campaign focuses on vehicle roadworthiness, driver education, and health

Taxi Lekgotla was convened by the minister of transport as a platform to engage robustly in an effort to professionalise and enhance the industry

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, shoes, child and outdoor  Day 2: Trucking wellness campaign  and Taxi Lekgotla continues…. 123197183 3411990065549760 5629256445730704446 nImage may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor  Day 2: Trucking wellness campaign  and Taxi Lekgotla continues…. 123316646 3411990005549766 1464614398355024498 nImage may contain: one or more people and indoor  Day 2: Trucking wellness campaign  and Taxi Lekgotla continues…. 123264612 3411989988883101 4287330814032703158 nImage may contain: one or more people, people sitting, table, living room and indoor  Day 2: Trucking wellness campaign  and Taxi Lekgotla continues…. 123223379 3411989995549767 4804166189291019742 n


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