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Day of Reconciliation Celebration Festival of Hope Eastern Cape: The #Reconcil…

Day of Reconciliation Celebration Festival of Hope Eastern Cape: The #ReconciliationDay celebrations at the Festival of Hope took place at…

By , in saps , at 16th Dec 2018

Day of Reconciliation Celebration Festival of Hope

Eastern Cape: The #ReconciliationDay celebrations at the Festival of Hope took place at Finnis Street Grounds in Bethelsdorp. The festivities started with a motorcade from Cleary Park Shopping Centre.
The Executive Mayor of Nelson Mandela Metro, Cllr Bobani welcomed everyone to the Festival of Hope. Cllr Bobani explained that the purpose of the today is to encourage the youth that crime and gangsterism must stop now.
The Provincial Commissioner, Lt Gen Ntshinga delivered a keynote address. She said that the Festival of Hope must be about demolishing the barriers our youth is facing and the restoration of hope to them. This is a very good initiative which both young and old must take advantage of, as a solid foundation towards making peace and forgiveness among yourselves.

Day of Reconciliation Celebration Festival of Hope
 Eastern Cape:  The #Reconcil… 48370651 2628627827164143 3801956070335709184 n
Day of Reconciliation Celebration Festival of Hope
 Eastern Cape:  The #Reconcil… 48275492 2628628057164120 8423719130011533312 o
Day of Reconciliation Celebration Festival of Hope
 Eastern Cape:  The #Reconcil… 48381960 2628628323830760 8396938419783073792 o
Day of Reconciliation Celebration Festival of Hope
 Eastern Cape:  The #Reconcil… 48374318 2628628563830736 1933981704184135680 o


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