Deputy Minister of Police,Mr Bongani Mkongi is currently engaging the community …
Deputy Minister of Police,Mr Bongani Mkongi is currently engaging the community of Thembalethu,George,Western Cape as part of the activities to…
Deputy Minister of Police,Mr Bongani Mkongi is currently engaging the community of Thembalethu,George,Western Cape as part of the activities to celebrate the centenary of Nelson Mandela.
The Deputy Minister commenced his program with a briefing this morning at Thembalethu SAPS where he was received by the Cluster Commander, Major General O Reddy and the Station Management.
The Duputy Minister then proceeded to Thembalethu Primary School where he conveyed a positive message to the Learners encouraging the learners to stay in school.The local police station installed safety gates at the home of an elderly woman who was recently a victim of a house breaking and rape. Deputy Minister Mkongi handed over the keys of the safety gates to the elderly woman. The Deputy Minister donated his time to hand out blankets to the eldery and disabled (more than 200 blankets were given to those who gathered at the Old Age Centre). Preceding the Community engagement the Deputy Minister led a 2 KM “Thuma mina” walk and cleaning campaign. #67Minutes #MandelaDay