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Did you know? Today is #WorldChildrensDay You have the right not to be treated …

Did you know? Today is #WorldChildrensDay You have the right not to be treated or punished in a cruel &…

By , in saps , at 20th Nov 2018

Did you know? Today is #WorldChildrensDay

You have the right not to be treated or punished in a cruel & humiliating way. Do not keep secrets about abuse. Report it to your caregiver, parents, teacher, family member or SAPS.
You have the right to say NO.

Children’s rights:

• I have the right to a loving and caring family, a proper safe and comfortable home, clothing and healthy food
• I have the right to be told the house rules of where I live
• As a child, I should not be forced to work
• I have the right to an education suitable to my aptitudes and abilities
• I have the right to a say in my care, and any changes to how I am cared for, according to my age & maturity
• I have the right to get special care for special needs
• I have the right to be protected from hurt
• I have the right to good health care if I am sick and to be kept away from cigarettes, alcohol & drugs
• I am a real person and have a right to be treated properly
• I have the right to be taken seriously and to make mistakes
• I have the right to my own religion and culture
• I have a right to my name and my nationality
• I have the right to be treated the same, no matter what my colour, race, gender, language or religion
• I have the right to be proud of my heritage and beliefs
• I have the right to speak and be heard
• I have the right to send and receive private mail that is not read or opened by others
• I have the right to privacy
• I have the right to own my own things
• I have the right to speak and visit in private with my family or any other person like my big friend, a person representing me like my social worker or my lawyer
• I have a right to a lawyer in courtrooms and hearings affecting my future
• I have a right to live in a nice place and not be put in prison or in a police cell
• I have the right to know what my rights are

Did you know? Today is #WorldChildrensDay
 You have the right not to be treated … 46501212 2587249761301950 8537463075329015808 n
Did you know? Today is #WorldChildrensDay
 You have the right not to be treated … 46514389 2587249767968616 2123873224931409920 n
Did you know? Today is #WorldChildrensDay
 You have the right not to be treated … 46494364 2587249841301942 5001814034115198976 o
Did you know? Today is #WorldChildrensDay
 You have the right not to be treated … 46456317 2587249817968611 4487884775826128896 n


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