Dimbaza SAPS held a crime awareness at Mzintshane community hall #CommunityOutr…
Dimbaza SAPS held a crime awareness at Mzintshane community hall #CommunityOutreach #CrimeAwarenessCampaigns KING WILLIAMS TOWN – Dimbaza station Commander Lieutenant…
Dimbaza SAPS held a crime awareness at Mzintshane community hall #CommunityOutreach
KING WILLIAMS TOWN – Dimbaza station Commander Lieutenant Colonel Khewana together with Community Police Forum, Family violence, Child protection and Sexual offenses (FCS) and other external Stakeholders held a crime awareness as crime prevention today.
The awareness focused on addressing the community about crime and what can be done to reduce crime in rural areas. Sergeant Mhlambiso of FCS explained the importance of reporting rape and encouraged community members to listen to their children.
Colonel Khewana addressed the community about the rate of crime in rural areas and encouraged them to report any form of crime to the Police. "It will take all us to fight crime in our communities" he said.