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Eastern Cape Legislature and SAPS in discussions on challenges at schools in the…

Eastern Cape Legislature and SAPS in discussions on challenges at schools in the Koukamma area #SaferSchools The Speaker of the…

By , in saps , at 7th September 2018

Eastern Cape Legislature and SAPS in discussions on challenges at schools in the Koukamma area #SaferSchools

The Speaker of the Provincial Legislature, Ms Noxolo Kiviet and the Provincial Commissioner, Lt Gen Liziwe Ntshinga and their respective delegations together with other government departments met in Port Elizabeth today to address challenges at schools in the Koukamma Municipal area. The meeting necessitated after the legislature visited the 24 schools in January and July 2018. Challenges around drug and alcohol abuse encountered by learners as well as the social problems in these areas were highlighted by the visiting team. The Speaker highlighted that ‘Schools are a reflection of the community and in order for us to understand the community we serve, we need to concentrate on our schools. Some of the concerns highlighted by the principals is quite worrisome and must be addressed. We need to come together as a team and discuss these issues and move forward.’
Station Commanders were afforded the opportunity to present their action plans and what are been done currently in schools in their respective areas. Lt Gen Ntshinga added ‘that we are not here to fight with each other but rather to work together and find a way forward in addressing these challenges.’ Lt Gen Ntshinga responded to the strategic issues in terms of manpower and resources. She also reiterated that other government departments must also come on board and accept their responsibilities. The burning issues is alcohol and drug abuse and this must be tackled by all not just the SAPS. The meeting was very fruitful and ended with all role players committing to go back and address these concerns.

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Eastern Cape Legislature and SAPS in discussions on challenges at schools in the… 41281680 2479205448773049 1834973134529232896 o
Eastern Cape Legislature and SAPS in discussions on challenges at schools in the… 41118212 2479205568773037 7201737218459697152 o


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