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Four suspect arrested for possession of hijacked vehicle. Northern Cape: Police…

Four suspect arrested for possession of hijacked vehicle. Northern Cape: Police in John Taolo Gaetsewe continue to ensure that those…

By , in saps , at 19th Dec 2018

Four suspect arrested for possession of hijacked vehicle.

Northern Cape: Police in John Taolo Gaetsewe continue to ensure that those who are committing crimes are behind bars. On Tuesday, 18 November 2018 at about 2am SAPS members in the John Taolo Gaetsewe were activated after a 36-year-old man alerted the Mothibistad Police that he was hijacked by four men on Seoding Road.

All four suspects were arrested, when they drove into a static road block on R380 Road in Kathu.

The Northern Cape Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Risimati Shivuri commended the members of the police, including the traffic officers for ensuring that the suspects were brought to book.

Four suspect arrested for possession of hijacked vehicle.
 Northern Cape: Police… 48404647 2633156676711258 1992501269247295488 o
Four suspect arrested for possession of hijacked vehicle.
 Northern Cape: Police… 48421139 2633156666711259 7584872198460932096 o


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