GRATITUDE 2021 was a tough year which saw more lockdowns, civil unrest, a slu…
GRATITUDE 2021 was a tough year which saw more lockdowns, civil unrest, a slump in our economy, and higher than…
2021 was a tough year which saw more lockdowns, civil unrest, a slump in our economy, and higher than ever unemployment figures.
IRS was not immune to any of the above and the consequences were severe
resulting in cut backs in expenditure which included restructuring and the unfortunate consequence of retrenchment.The restructuring has resulted in a new approach as to how we conduct our investigations. Previously, the case would be assessed by a specific team member to see whether it fell within our ambit. After review, and if the case was accepted, a director would further assess the case and assign it to an investigator with a specific set of instructions. That investigator… More