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Graveyard rapist sentenced to life #Sentencing KwaZulu-Natal: Yesterday, the D…

Graveyard rapist sentenced to life #Sentencing KwaZulu-Natal: Yesterday, the Durban Magistrate Court convicted and sentenced Thulasizwe Reggie Dlamini (36) to…

By , in saps , at 15th Nov 2018

Graveyard rapist sentenced to life #Sentencing

KwaZulu-Natal: Yesterday, the Durban Magistrate Court convicted and sentenced Thulasizwe Reggie Dlamini (36) to life imprisonment for rape and 15 years for robbery. On 21 December 2018, a 53-year-old woman was walking along Manor Drive in Umbilo when she was offered a lift by the accused.

After the victim got inside the vehicle, the accused drove into the Umbilo graveyard. The accused tied her hands and repeatedly raped her before robbing her of her belongings. Police from the Umbilo police station who were performing crime prevention duties spotted people in the graveyard and went to investigate.

They found the victim tied to a tree while she was being robbed. The accused attempted to flee the scene but police managed to apprehend him.

A rape case was opened at Umbilo police station and the docket was assigned to the Brighton Beach Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit for further investigation. The accused remained in custody until he was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Graveyard rapist sentenced to life  #Sentencing
 KwaZulu-Natal: Yesterday, the D… 46457933 2579893322037594 2970497616405594112 n


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