Hawks seize 92 alleged illegal firearms from a gun shop in Cape Town #GunsOff…
Hawks seize 92 alleged illegal firearms from a gun shop in Cape Town #GunsOffTheStreets WESTERN CAPE – A joint intelligence…
Hawks seize 92 alleged illegal firearms from a gun shop in Cape Town #GunsOffTheStreets
WESTERN CAPE – A joint intelligence driven operation carried out by the Hawks’ National Firearms Task Team together with the Crime intelligence and Firearms Liquor and Second Hand Goods Control (FLASH) yielded great strides on the police efforts to fight the proliferation of illegal firearms in Western Cape.
The search and seizure disruptive operation that ensued on Tuesday, led to the detection of 92 alleged illegal firearms found at the Cape Town Gun Shop yesterday. The 92 firearms seizure includes two (2) AK47 type assault rifles, two (2) bolt action rifles, one (1) Hand Machine Carbine (HMC), one (1) Shotgun, fifty-two (52) Pistols and thirty-four (34) Revolvers.
The confiscated firearms will be subjected to further forensic analysis in order to establish their origins and whether they were not used in the commission of any crime. No arrests were made at this stage, pending the outcome of the on-going investigation into the contravention on prescripts of the Firearms Control Act.