Helpful hints to prevent #StockTheft The SAPS in the various provinces continue…
Helpful hints to prevent #StockTheft The SAPS in the various provinces continues to make progress with curbing livestock theft as…
Helpful hints to prevent #StockTheft
The SAPS in the various provinces continues to make progress with curbing livestock theft as part of rural safety policing. Despite the challenging terrain the Stock Theft Units across the country have to face, police officers continue to implement measures to ensure that the available resources are used effectively in order to maintain visibility and curb crime in the rural areas.
· In the planning of paddocks, the forming of corners next to roads should be avoided, as these are ideal for livestock to be driven into and for loading purposes.
· Livestock-owners should keep all fences and gates in proper condition to protect their livestock.
· Sheep can be kept in a kraal close to the farmhouse.
· Employ a reliable shepherd on the post who can count the animals every morning. Missing livestock should be reported immediately.
· Many court cases are lost because of disputes regarding the proper identification of animals. If an animal is marked with a registered brand mark or tattoo, disputes can be avoided.
· Livestock should be marked according to the Animal Identification Act, 2002 (Act No 6 of 2002), preferably by branding them.
· Where livestock are still being marked by way of traditional marks, in additional to the Animal Identification Act, 2002 (Act No 6 of 2002), care should be taken that it be done clearly and described fully in the stock register. This will enable the SAPS to know what to look for in the event of stock theft.
· The regular herding and counting of animals are of obvious importance.
· Livestock-owners should at all times report all livestock theft cases on their property immediately. The longer the delay, the less the possibility of achieving success.
Work with the local SAPS and Stock Theft & Endangered Species Unit, and not against them. Support the SAPS and Stock Theft & Endangered Species Units in their effort to help you.
Rural safety policing and improved relations with the farming communities are police priorities to ensure improved safety and security in all the rural areas in the country.