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Hijackings – Be crime conscious at all times! Motorists are warned to be vigila…

Hijackings – Be crime conscious at all times! Motorists are warned to be vigilant at all times. Report any suspicious…

By , in saps , at 31st May 2019

Hijackings – Be crime conscious at all times!

Motorists are warned to be vigilant at all times. Report any suspicious activity or behaviour.

Remember, a hijacker is focused on doing a job, namely take the vehicle, and one should not get in the way of that.
Do not resist, argue or fight as this can result in injury or even death. Your life and the life’s of your loved ones cannot be replaced.

Take note of the following safety tips:
•Change your routine – You have to leave from the same place every morning, but you should change your route from your house to your destination regularly. Should you, for instance, take a certain route on Monday and you are observed by a hijacker and take the same route on Tuesday, it takes them only one day to determine your route. Changing your route can give you a 50% chance of not becoming a victim.
•Observe – Look far ahead and observe what is happening at intersections.
•Keep moving – Hijackers approach either on foot or with a vehicle where they block your car off. Do not go right up to an intersection, start slowing down long before.
•Keep doors locked at all times.
•Stop at a safe distance from the car ahead of you to give yourself a chance to get out of the situation.
•Reverse park at shopping centres as that gives you a chance to get away much faster.
•Do not park in front of your electric gate as you wait for it to open, where possible park parallel to it, giving you a chance to drive off when a suspicious vehicle parks behind you.
•Where you think that you are being followed, drive past your house to the nearest police station, petrol station or public area where there is a lot of movement.

Hijackings – Be crime conscious at all times!
 Motorists are warned to be vigila… 61843438 2909703192389937 8552053783608164352 n


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