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UPDATE: There are 96 new cases that have tested positive for #COVID19. We are saddened to report 18 deaths to…
UPDATE: There are 96 new cases that have tested positive for #COVID19. We are saddened to report 18 deaths to date. We send our condolences to the families and friends of those who have lost their lives due to COVID-19. We appreciate the healthcare workers that have treated all the #COVID19 patients. We urge the public to continue taking preventive measures to #StaySafe.
NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR COMMUNICABLE DISEASESInformation on COVID-19 contact the public toll-free number 0800 029 999THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR COMMUNICABLE DISEASESMonitoring communicable diseases throughout South Africa and the African continent THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR COMMUNICABLE DISEASESMonit…