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Hostel murder suspects arrested DURBAN – A team of dedicated and committed KwaM…

Hostel murder suspects arrested DURBAN – A team of dedicated and committed KwaMashu detectives made a breakthrough in the early…

By , in saps , at 16th Oct 2019

Hostel murder suspects arrested

DURBAN – A team of dedicated and committed KwaMashu detectives made a breakthrough in the early hours of this morning when they arrested two wanted murder suspects. The suspects aged 23 and 25, were arrested at the KwaMashu Hostel three days after the murder of Mbuso Mazibuko (18). They are expected to appear in the Ntuzuma Magistrate’s Court soon.

On 12 October 2019 at 18:30, the victim Mazibuko, was at Jabula Road when he was approached by the suspects. He was stabbed multiple times on the neck and face following a heated argument. The victim died as a result of his injuries and a case of murder was opened at the KwaMashu police station. Following a round the clock investigation, two suspects were arrested at the hostel.

The KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Khombinkosi Jula greeted the arrest with fervour and commended the police officers for not resting until the killers were apprehended. “The KwaMashu area is a hot spot for murders in the province and it is this type of indiscriminate killings that contribute to the provinces high murder rate. It is reassuring to know that these cold blooded killers are behind bars,” he said.…

Hostel murder suspects arrested
 DURBAN – A team of dedicated and committed KwaM… 72226822 3181528408540746 5861825061261934592 n


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