ICFP | Institute of Commercial Forensic Practitioners
Next week is International Fraud Awareness week with all major international as well as local fraud awareness and training organisations…
Next week is International Fraud Awareness week with all major international as well as local fraud awareness and training organisations hosting events.
On Monday, 18 November 2019, The Institute of Commercial Forensic Practitioners (ICFP) in Johannesburg hosts legendary South African crime fighter, Mr Willie Hofmeyr, who will be the keynote speaker at the Gauteng fraud awareness event.
Also on Monday, 18 November 2019, the KZN chapter of the ICFP will also be hosting its fraud awareness event in Durban with Advocate Ryno de Water as one of the keynote speakers discussing fraud in the public sector.
On Wednesday, 20 November 2019, the WC chapter of the ICFP will be hosting their fraud awareness event in Cape Town with a multitude of speakers, including an address by the Premier of the Western Cape, Mr Alan Winde, who will be addressing the issue of the “Impact of Fraud on the Community of the WC”.
For more information on these events, contact the ICFP of visit their website www.icfp.co.za
ICFP | Institute of Commercial Forensic Practitioners
The ICFP hosts development sessions to forensic practitioners on an ongoing basis. To register for the next event, please select events and complete the online registration form.