Investors heading to High Court after cryptocurrency CEO fails to pay back millions | News24
“Investors heading to High Court after cryptocurrency CEO fails to pay back millions.” Opinion: A civil case in this regard…
“Investors heading to High Court after cryptocurrency CEO fails to pay back millions.”
Opinion: A civil case in this regard will be protracted and the investors will become reliant on the liquidators that will ultimately be appointed.
The Criminal Procedure Act and Prevention of Organised Crime Act are much better options as they have quicker sanctions that can be applied for and are victim orientated.
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Caveat: Opinion is that of IRS Forensic investigstions Director, Chad Thomas and not that of the journalist, nor of the applicants in the matter.…/investors-heading-to-high-court-af…
Investors heading to High Court after cryptocurrency CEO fails to pay back millions | News24
An urgent application will be filed in the High Court in Port Elizabeth against Willie Breedt, the defunct CEO and owner of the cryptocurrency scheme, VaultAge Solution.