Media Invitation: Police Minister, General Bheki Cele to officiate the South Afr…
Media Invitation: Police Minister, General Bheki Cele to officiate the South African police Service launch of the reviewed National #RuralSafety…
Media Invitation: Police Minister, General Bheki Cele to officiate the South African police Service launch of the reviewed National #RuralSafety Strategy hosted in Limpopo
Minister of Police, General Bheki Cele will on Friday 11 October launch the reviewed National Rural Safety Strategy at the Makhado Show Grounds in Makhado, Limpopo.
Under the theme -Turning the Tide against crime ‘Zizojika izinto’, the launch of the National Rural Safety strategy will see the National Commissioner of Police, General Khehla Sitole together with General Cele reveal a Farm Safety Plan designed for farms to ensure a collective rapid response to address their security and safety concerns and create a safe and secure rural environment.
Towards a journey to a safer South Africa, General Cele and the SAPS Management will also conduct a site inspection at local farms to assess the challenges faced by farmers in the area.
Members of the media are invited to attend the event which will be split in two phases.
Meeting point for farm visit
Date: 11 October 2019
Venue: 83 Krogh Straat, Makhado Municipality; Limpopo
Time: 07:30 for 08:00
Formal launch the National Rural Safety Strategy
Date: 11 October 2019
Time: 09:30 for 10:00
Venue: Makhado Show grounds, Makhado