Men taking the lead at Griffiths Mxenge Vaccination Site #IChooseVaccination #…
Men taking the lead at Griffiths Mxenge Vaccination Site #IChooseVaccination #StaySafe EASTERN CAPE – Day 3 of the Covid-19 vaccination…
Men taking the lead at Griffiths Mxenge Vaccination Site #IChooseVaccination #StaySafe
EASTERN CAPE – Day 3 of the Covid-19 vaccination rollout programme commenced earlier this morning at Provincial Head
Quarters with male employees dominating the site.Amongst those vaccinated today were male members from the Mounted Unit, K-9 Unit, Public Order Policing and other specialised units based in the Buffalo City. Also in their midst was the young lion, Buffalo City Men For Change Champion and Provincial Spokesperson, Sergeant Xokwe who encouraged all men to come in numbers and get vaccinated.
“This is a call to all men and heads of the families to come get their jab to protect themselves and… More