#Missing person sought by Bhekithemba SAPS. KwaZulu-Natal: Bhekithemba SAPS wo…
#Missing person sought by Bhekithemba SAPS. KwaZulu-Natal: Bhekithemba SAPS would like to make an appeal to the members of the…
#Missing person sought by Bhekithemba SAPS.
KwaZulu-Natal: Bhekithemba SAPS would like to make an appeal to the members of the community regarding a missing person, Zama Nzuza (16) from Dloko Road, Umlazi.
Anyone with information of her whereabouts to contact Captain Ndimande on 082 350 0843 or 031 9099923. Our Crime Stop number can be contacted on 08600 1011.