#MissingMinorsPinkLadies UPDATED FLYER Missing: Delft WC /Cape Town fcs Robi…
#MissingMinorsPinkLadies UPDATED FLYER Missing: Delft WC /Cape Town fcs Robin Hartzenberg 16 yrs 2 December 2018. Circumstances: She was last…
#MissingMinorsPinkLadies UPDATED FLYER
Missing: Delft WC /Cape Town fcs Robin Hartzenberg 16 yrs 2 December 2018. Circumstances: She was last seen when she went to CT with friends by taxi on 2 December 2018 @ 18.00 hrs.
She decided to part ways and got into another taxi but did not arrive home in Delft. She was subsequently seen by a friend in CT Taxi on 3 December 2018 in Cape Town. She was wearing a black with white printing Adidas vest, black and brown pattern jersey, white skinny jeans with white Nike logo and Nike sandals. If you have information contact Saps CT Fcs unit SB 082 334 7523/082 334 8772/CT Central 072 560 2624/Pink Ladies Org 072 214 7439/083 378 4882/08600 10111
Only admins can make announcements or post links and screen shots. There is no waiting period to report a person missing. Also no waiting period for an enquiry number. If not request an OB number.