Netcare 911’s Rapid Specialised Extrication Units: They are the “Angels of Mercy…
Netcare 911’s Rapid Specialised Extrication Units: They are the “Angels of Mercy”, the unsung heroes of Netcare 911’s two Rapid…
Netcare 911’s Rapid Specialised Extrication Units:
They are the “Angels of Mercy”, the unsung heroes of Netcare 911’s two Rapid Specialised Extrication units who, without fanfare, have gone about their business of saving lives over the past 16 years in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). Established as a special community service, Netcare 911’s Rescue 1 and Rescue 2 units, which serve the people of Gauteng and KZN respectively, are crewed by specially trained Rescue Technicians, and equipped for incident command and rescue missions.
The two teams have participated in numerous rescue operations, secured accident and disaster scenes, and assisted at countless major emergency incidents. They are often the first to arrive on scene and many accident or disaster victims have come to appreciate the life-saving role they have played.
The Netcare 911 rescue teams work closely with all the other public and private emergency services, operating with one goal in mind, and that is to ensure the best outcome for the patient.
Both of the Netcare 911 units are equipped for major accident management and rescue operations. The value of the two units has been confirmed over and over again during the last decade or so.