Northern Cape: SAPS Employee Health and Wellness training session held in Kuruma…
Northern Cape: SAPS Employee Health and Wellness training session held in Kuruman In the fight against crime it is important…
Northern Cape: SAPS Employee Health and Wellness training session held in Kuruman
In the fight against crime it is important for the SAPS to have a healthy and mentally fit workforce. Based on this, the SAPS in the Northern Cape through its Employee Health and Wellness office mobilised resources to train 40 Peer Educators on HIV/AIDS, STIs, TB and LGBTIQA (key populations).
This programme which is currently taking place in Kuruman, envisages to impart the Peer Educators with invaluable knowledge that they will hopefully share with their peers at police's stations and various offices within the SAPS.
Speaking to the Peer Educators today, Warrant Officer Mhlabine emphasised the importance adhering to confidentiality when fellow colleagues share sensitive information with Peer Educators. Mr Kenny Sebati representing the National Association of People Living with HIV and AIDS (NAPWA), focused his presentation on forms of HIV/AIDS stigma and discrimination. Sister Manyetsa, a professional nurse from the Department of Health, delivered an in-depth presentation on TB management, epidemiology and diagnosis.
The training continues tomorrow, Wednesday, 21 August 2019 during which the Peer Educators will be evaluated on the new knowledge acquired.