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Police hunt house robbery suspects #TrioCrimes Port Elizabeth: Mount Road …

Police hunt house robbery suspects #TrioCrimes Port Elizabeth: Mount Road Cluster Trio Detectives is on the hunt for three suspects…

By , in saps , at 9th Mar 2019

Police hunt house robbery suspects #TrioCrimes

Port Elizabeth: Mount Road Cluster Trio Detectives is on the hunt for three suspects who broke into a guest house in Kingfisher Lane in Sardinia Bay during the early hours of this morning, 07 March 2019.

It is alleged that the complainant (23) was a guest at the house and was awoken at about 02:00 by three unknown men. One was allegedly armed with a firearm and another with a crowbar and the third with a panga.

The complainant was tied up with cable ties and locked in the bedroom. The complainant arrived from Pretoria yesterday. He was here on business with the owner of the guest house. The suspects also broke into another cottage on the premises. A total of five TV sets, two cellphones, a small amount of cash and some of the complainant’s belongings were taken. The estimated value of the stolen items is yet to be determined. Entry to the cottages were gained by removing the bathrooms’ windows.

Police are appealing to second hand shops to be on the lookout for any suspicious persons attempting to sell TV sets. Information relating to any suspicious person must be communicated to Detective Captain Chris Rowan on 082 442 1457.…

Police hunt house robbery suspects      #TrioCrimes
 Port Elizabeth: Mount Road … 53595897 2765825446777713 3767564407475798016 n


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