SAPS’s #CybercrimeConference to map a way forward As cyber-crime is evolving in…
SAPS’s #CybercrimeConference to map a way forward As cyber-crime is evolving into a distinctive and sophisticated crime phenomenon, the South…
SAPS’s #CybercrimeConference to map a way forward
As cyber-crime is evolving into a distinctive and sophisticated crime phenomenon, the South African Police Service (SAPS) will host a three-day Cyber-crime Conference with global law enforcement agencies and internationally renowned, subject matter experts in the field of cyber security and cyber-crime, at the African Pride Irene Country Lodge, Pretoria from 4 to 6 June 2019.
At the Conference, delegates will share best practices to counteract cybercrime with the aim of enabling the SAPS to address the cybercrime phenomenon.
The conference will furthermore place emphasis on an international bench-marking standard alignment to the interim Cyber-crime Strategy of the SAPS and implementation framework in order to detect, combat, prevent and investigate cyber-crime.
The operationalization of an approved strategy will ensure an effective, investigative response to all instances of cyber-crime occurrences, and investigative support of all crimes containing elements of electronic evidence.
Among the discussion points to be presented, are the following:
• Developing an effective legislative framework to address cyber-crime.
• The role of law enforcement in ensuring an effective response through specialised skills and training.
• Enabling an intelligence-led approach and sharing of information.
• A coordinated approach bringing law enforcement, business and civil society together to address cyber-crime.
• Improving international collaboration on cyber-crime.
• Creating awareness through educational initiatives and programmes. Establishing a governance and resilience structure for cyber-crime. Addressing vulnerabilities in the National Critical Information Infrastructure.
• Highlighting cyber threats and opportunities in the fourth industrial revolution.
• Encouraging research and development in cyber-crime.
• Giving operational support to investigating officers of cyber-crime.