The police launched the 2018/2019 #SaferFestiveSeason operations and opened the …
The police launched the 2018/2019 #SaferFestiveSeason operations and opened the satellite police station Zebediela: Following the launch of the national…
The police launched the 2018/2019 #SaferFestiveSeason operations and opened the satellite police station
Zebediela: Following the launch of the national 2018/2019 festive season operations on the 1st of November 2018 in the Eastern Cape Province, the Provincial Commissioner of the South African Police Service in Limpopo, Lieutenant General Nneke Jim Ledwaba accompanied by the Deputy Provincial Commissioner Responsible for Human Resource Management Major General Christine Morakaladi , the Cluster Commanders, the Provincial Heads, the Unit Commanders, Station Commanders, and members from all levels of command throughout the Province, converged at Zebediela Policing area in the Mahwelereng Cluster on Friday 2018-11-16 for these events.
In his officiating message, the Provincial Commissioner acknowledged the presence of Kgoshi Sello Kekana III and unpacked the significance of the three in one events being the Provincial launch of operation Festive season, the official opening of the Moletlane Satellite Police Station, the Provincial Commissioner's imbizo and subsequently, he handed over more than 300 motor vehicles to a number of Police Stations in this Province. This with the aim of solidifying crime prevention efforts in the province.
The third Satellite Police Station after Mulamula in the Malamulele Policing area outside Giyani and Marapong in the Lephalale Policing area, Moletlane Satellite Police Station was established and opened to accelerate the level of service delivery to the people.
This Satellite Police Station will operate for 24 hours and will provide services such as affidavits, complaints and certifying of documents, police visibility and to deal with crime in general.
The launch of festive season operations is a declaration of our state of readiness for the coming festive season period and to commit ourselves through the operationalization of our plan to deal with all criminal activities which are prevalent during this period such as armed robberies, thefts, house breakings, assaults, TRIO crimes and murders which create fear and discomfort to our people.
Most of these crimes that are mentioned here, are believed to be encouraged by the abuse of liquor, greed, domestic violence, hitchhiking and the festive season fever.
Those that will be sharing their Stokvel money are still urged to guard against carrying large amounts of money and sharing it in public place, Concluded General Ledwaba.…