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The SAPS’s annual #SaferFestiveSeason Operation’s crime-fighting campaign under …

The SAPS’s annual #SaferFestiveSeason Operation’s crime-fighting campaign under the theme #QuietStorm, has been launched at the beginning of November 2018…

By , in saps , at 24th Dec 2018

The SAPS’s annual #SaferFestiveSeason Operation’s crime-fighting campaign under the theme #QuietStorm, has been launched at the beginning of November 2018 and is aimed at making South Africa a safe place before, during and after the festive season. Moving forward, we will weekly observe #SafetyFriday which will take place in the form of focussed operations countrywide.

Newly trained police constables this morning reported for duty, joining other SAPS’s members to ensure that South Africa enjoys a safe and peaceful festive season. Always remember to be vigilant and abide by the basic #PoliceSafety rules and regulations, as your safety is of the utmost importance.

Northern Cape: This morning, four new constables were welcomed and inducted by the Calvinia Station Commander, Lieutenant Colone Vincent Van Wyk. The Provincial Communication Head, Brigadier Ramatseba gave motivating words to the new constables.

The members are ready to protect and serve the community of Calvinia making sure they are safe and feel safe.

The Acting Station Commander of Galeshewe police station, Colonel Alexia Robertson and the Shift Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Adam Verwy welcomed five newly trained police constables ( 4 females and one male) to the station this morning.

The new members have already been deployed to perform duties during the Safer Festive Season operations.

Eastern Cape: Mthatha Cluster management led by Brigadier Asogran Naidoo this morning welcomed 38 newly trained police constables who will be bolstering the fight against crime, working in Mthatha cluster stations and units.

He sensitised them about civil claims and how to behave themselves when conducting vehicle and body searches. " We welcome you in this busy cluster. Always take care of yourself and your colleague. Treat people with respect and dignity at all times."

On behalf of the SAPS Managemennt and all employees, we wish all newly trained police constables all the best as they continue to serve this Nation.

#ServingOurCommunities #PatrioticAndSelflessService #SafeShift

The SAPS’s annual #SaferFestiveSeason Operation’s crime-fighting campaign under … 48995996 2641411812552411 8285738662767886336 o
The SAPS’s annual #SaferFestiveSeason Operation’s crime-fighting campaign under … 48899230 2641412019219057 8032284460718227456 o
The SAPS’s annual #SaferFestiveSeason Operation’s crime-fighting campaign under … 48423864 2641412169219042 8863766597098012672 o


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