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Two vehicle examiners arrested for alleged corruption #CrimeStop Western Cape …

Two vehicle examiners arrested for alleged corruption #CrimeStop Western Cape – Two vehicle examiners were arrested last week Friday, 09…

By , in saps , at 12th Nov 2018

Two vehicle examiners arrested for alleged corruption #CrimeStop

Western Cape – Two vehicle examiners were arrested last week Friday, 09 November 2018 in Butterworth by the Hawks’ Serious Corruption Investigation Unit arrested for alleged corruption.

The two suspects aged 25 and 40, are alleged to be part of a wider group that is responsible for the fraudulent certification of roadworthy permits in the Western Cape.
The Hawks Serious Corruption Investigation team in collaboration with the Western Cape Department of Transport have already arrested nine (9) suspects linked to the alleged syndicate which has been operating in Cape Town, Butterworth and Queenstown.

The duo is expected to appear at Bellville Magistrate’s Court today facing a charge of fraud and corruption. More arrests are expected pending the on-going investigation.…

Two vehicle examiners arrested for alleged corruption  #CrimeStop
 Western Cape … 45898366 2574866282540298 7732622234539261952 n


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