Unknown man found dead, family and suspect(s) sought #CrimeStop Today, the P…
Unknown man found dead, family and suspect(s) sought #CrimeStop Today, the Police in Mpumalanga, in Mhala are investigating a case…
Unknown man found dead, family and suspect(s) sought
Today, the Police in Mpumalanga, in Mhala are investigating a case of murder after an unknown man was found dead in an unused government building
in Dumphries B.At around 8 o’clock in the morning members received an anonymous call informing them that there was a person who was assaulted to death in an unused government building in Dumphries B.
Police responded swiftly and upon arrival they found an unknown man who was handcuffed and had bruises all over his body in the garage. He is a well-built (muscular) African male with a Mohawk haircut, trimmed beards, wearing a brown trouser, a white T-shirt and Adidas push-in shoes. He… More