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Ways To Burn Fat While You Sleep Author: Vanessa Phillips You can only burn fa…

Ways To Burn Fat While You Sleep Author: Vanessa Phillips You can only burn fat at the gym. Nope. Wrong….

By , in netcare , at 23rd December 2018

Ways To Burn Fat While You Sleep

Author: Vanessa Phillips

You can only burn fat at the gym.

Nope. Wrong.

There are far easier; far more restful ways you can shed those kilos! While you obviously can’t sleep yourself skinny, these 5 tips promote a slimming, sleep-time slumber.

1. No big dinner

Growth hormone is a compound your body makes to increase muscle mass and burn fuel. It’s made predominantly while you sleep, but is decreased when you have a carb-rich meal. Carbohydrates increase the release of the hormone insulin, which decreases growth hormone production. If you eat a smaller meal, one that comprises mainly of protein and veg, you can increase the release of growth hormone and burn more fat while you sleep!

2. Exercise early

Some people prefer to exercise in the morning, others at night. But there is a small amount of research to support the fact that exercise in the morning is better; especially when it comes to weight loss. When you exercise, your core temperature increases. And when it does, you burn more calories trying to cool down. At night, however, this increased body temperature can make you restless and prevent you from getting into the REM or dream-stage of the sleep cycle. This type of sleep not only leaves you feeling refreshed and well-rested, but it’s also a sleep state in which calories are burned as confirmed sleep specialist Dr Michael Breus. What more, when you don’t enter this dream state for long enough, it can leave you hungrier the next day and as a result you’ll eat more, too.

3. Leave those blankets off

While it might feel all warm and cozy to sleep under a mountain of blankets, sleeping in a cooler environment not only helps you sleep better, it can also be the reason you burn more calories.

There are two types of fat in your body, brown fat and white fat. White fat is the type of fat that accumulates when you eat too much – your body stores excess fuel (food) as white fat. Brown fat is also known as active fat. While there isn’t a whole lot of this type of fat in adults, it’s the type of fat that is activated to release energy and warmth when you begin to shiver. It’s also the type of fat that burns more fuel and calories.

If it’s cold, have a hot shower or bath before bed, which is also relaxing. But then climb under only a light duvet or blanket to allow your body temperature to drop appropriately. Keep other layers close by so that you can cover up during the night as it gets colder.

4. Sleep in complete darkness

Studies have proven that people who work night shifts typically gain more weight over the course of their lifetime than those who work during the day and rest at night. This is a result of exposure to artificial light when the body is supposed to be at rest which affects the metabolisms natural processes. If you don’t sleep in complete darkness, it could be the reason you aren’t sleeping as well and why you’re struggling with weight loss.

Switch off all electronic equipment, keep the lights off and opt for heavy, dark curtains where you can to ensure you’re sleeping in complete darkness.

Ways To Burn Fat While You Sleep
 Author: Vanessa Phillips
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